Use Batch File to Extract Data

You can automate your data extraction operations by running the pfDataEncryptor program from a batch file.

The program takes three command line parameters for a batch operation:

  • First Parameter = NOUI or BATCH
  • Second Parameter = Full path to the saved Extractor Definition file.
  • Third Parameter (optional) = Name of extractor log file.


Batch File Example:

@echo off


cd “C:\Program Files\ProFast Computing\PFApps\pfDataExtractor\”

@echo Data extractor running...

pfDataExtractor.exe NOUI C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\PFApps\pfDataExtractor\Definitions\TestExtractOut.exdef Testbatch.log

@echo Return code for extraction: %errorlevel%

if errorlevel 1 goto errexit

@echo ..DataExtractor finished.

goto exit


@echo ..DataExtractor finished with error.


REM pause