MS Access Source



Access Database File Path

Path to the Access database file containing the data that will be the source for the extract.

File Open Dialog Button

Click this button to select the source database file using a Windows File Open dialog window.

Access Version

2007 (accdb format)

2003 (mdb format)

Use these options to specify whether the data is contained in an ACCDB or MDB formatted Access database file.


Specify the username for the database file, if one is required.


Specify the password for the username, if one is required.

SQL Query

Enter the text for the SQL query that will be used to retrieve data from the data source.

You can use the Show Query Builder button to use the Query Builder Form to visually build and test the SQL for the query. See Query Builder Overview for more information.

Preview Source Button

Click this button to run the SQL Query against the data source and show the results on an output grid.

Use this feature to get a preliminary view of what the input data looks like.

See Data Output Grid Overview for more information of working with the output grid.