Generate Test Orders Overview
Generate Test Orders Overview
Use this utility to create a set of sales order and sales order detail tables that contain random test data.
You can also use the utility to create some data warehouse type tables containing random data.
Schemas for the output data warehouse tables are very loosely based on Adventure Works DW database tables.
You must have defined a Relation Database Destination for the extract in order to use the Test Orders Generator. Tab les will be in the database pointed to by the data extractor Relation Database Destination.
Database Location
This will be the destination type for the extract.
NOTE: Must be Relational Database.
Database Platform
The Database Type for the Relational Database Destination.
Connection string for the extractor Relational Database Destination.
Replace Tables if Already Exist
If set to true (checked) and the output table names already exist in the destination database, the tables will be overwritten by current test orders generation.
If set to false (unchecked) and the output table names already exist in the destination database, the new test rows will be appended to the existing tables.
Output Data To Produce
Select types of tables to produce from following list:
Generate Sales Order Header and Detail Tables
Set this option to true (checked) if you want to generate sales order header and detail tables.
Generate Purchase Order Header and Detail Tables
Set this option to true (checked) if you want to generate purchase order header and detail tables.
Generate Data Warehouse Internet Sales Tab le
Set this option to true (checked) if you want to generate a data warehouse table for internet sales.
Generate Data Warehouse Reseller Sales Tab le
Set this option to true (checked) if you want to generate a data warehouse table for reseller sales.
Specify Output Table Names Button
Click this button to specify order table names.
Specify Transaction Dates And Counts Button
Click this button to specify test order transaction dates and counts.
Generate Transactions Button
Creates the output tables.
You will see messages like the following when the test orders generation finishes:Generate Test Orders Run Messages.
Save Extract Definition
Saves underlying extractor definition to an external file.
Preview Button
Click this button to view of preview of how many test orders will be generated.
Sales Orders
Purch. Orders
DW Internet
DW Reseller
Select one of the above options to determine type of data to preview.
Number Preview Transactions
Number of test order headers to generate for the preview.
See Generate Test Orders Preview Windows for more information on the information displayed by this button click..
Exit Button
Close form.