Filter Definition Form

You use the filter definition form to specify the filter text that will be used on the data that is loaded from the extract data source.



You can either type the filter text directly into the Filter Text area of the form or you can use the Filter Builder Form to build the filter using prompts and drop-down lists.


Query Text

If Data Source is based on a SQL query, the query text will appear here. Otherwise, this field will be blank.

Filter Text

You can type the filter directly in this text box or you can have the text built using the Filter Builder Form.

Delete Filter Button

Click this button to delete the filter from the extract definition.

Verify Filter Button

Click this button to check if the filter text is valid.

Filter Builder Button

Click this button to show the Filter Builder Form.


Accept Button

Click this button to include the filter text in the extract definition.

Cancel Button

Click this button to cancel any changes you may have made to the filter text and return to the Data Extractor with Data Masking Main Form.