ProFast Computing

Software Development and Consulting Services

Specializing in Microsoft .NET and SQL Application Development


pfPgpEncryptor V3.0 App Released April 8, 2014

The pfPgpEncryptor application was officially released for download April 8, 2014.

The application requires Windows .NET 4.0 runtime or later.

pfPgpEncryptor version 3.0 will run on Windows systems running XP SP3, Vista, Win7 and Win8.

Summary of features:

Provides PGP based encryption and decryption capabilities from an interactive form.

Supports a wide range of cipher, hash and compression standards for use in PGP encryption.

Simplifies the process of tranferring and receiving data files that require PGP encryption.

Simplifies the creation and importing of new PGP keys to a local key database.

Allows the saving and reuse of encryption and decryption tasks.