ProFast Computing

Software Development and Consulting Services

Specializing in Microsoft .NET and SQL Application Development


pfDataViewer V3.0 Application

Released November 2, 2015

The pfDataViewer application was officially released for download November 2, 2015.

The application requires Windows .NET 4.0 runtime or later.

pfDataViewer version 3.0 will run on Windows systems running XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Summary of features:

This application provides easy to use and flexible interactive interface for creating and running data queries against a wide variety of database platforms.

The application also provides an intuitive random data generator interface for masking output data with randomized values.

Randomizer features include realistic random values for person or business names, street names, city/state/zip addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and national ids..

Users can specify how to distribute the random values between U.S., Canada and Mexico names and addresses. Distribution can be further fined tuned by Country Region, State or Province, Metropolitan Area, Area Code or City.

Output from queries can be viewed in an enhanced data grid with robust post-query filtering and sorting provided.

Output can be exported from the enhanced data grid to a wide variety of formats, including relational databases, Excel workbooks, Word documents, Delimited and Fixed Length text files and XML files.

Randomed output can be used to assist in creating secure distributions of sensitive data to external organizations or provide data for in-house training, development and testing databases.

Query inputs can be from SQL Server, SQLCE 3.5 & 4.0, Access database files, ODBC and OLEDB drivers, .NET providers for Oracle, MySQL, DB2, Informix, Sybase and SQL Anywhere.