Messages Window Menu Items
Messages Window Menu Items
File Menu
Saves the contents of the message log to an external text file.
Erases all contents from the message log.
Page Settings
Controls how printer displays data on page. For example, Portrait or Landscape mode.
Print Preview
Displays the log content in a preview pane before sending to the printer.
You will be prompted to select a printer and then the log contents will be sent to the printer you chose.
Makes the message log window invisible.
To redisplay the message log window:
Exit and restart the application.
Toggle the message log visibility using the Tools/Options/User Settings menu item.
To permanently show or hide the messages log window, see How To Hide or View Messages Window .
Edit Menu
Copies any highlighted text in the message log window to the clipboard.
Select All:
Selects all the content in the message log window.
Searches for and finds in log window the first instance of string you specify on Find Prompt.
Find Next:
Searches for and finds next instance of string you previously specified on Find Prompt.
Format Menu
Click this option to change the font used by the message log window.