Encryption Definition Form
Encryption Definition Form
Using a Key File
Using a Key Store
Encrypt File or String
Specify whether original unencrypted data is stored in a file or is a string value you will input.
Encrypt Using Key File or Key Store
Specify whether the encryption key can be found in a key file (using a file with a .ASC extension) or a local key store.
PGP Key File Connection
Specifies windows path to key file that will be used to encrypt the file or string.
Click the Path Lookup Button to use File Open Dialog to select a key file.
PGP Key Store Connection Info
Specifies windows path to key store that will be used to encrypt the file or string.
Click the Path Lookup Button to use File Open Dialog to select a key store.
Specify the UserId for the key that will be used to encrypt the file or string.
Specify the Key Store Password to gain access to the keys in the key store.
Unencrypted Source
If encrypting a file:
This field will contain the path to the file to be encrypted.
Click the Source Button to use File Open Dialog to select a file to encrypt.
If encrypting a string:
This field will contain the text to be encrypted.
Click the Source Button to open an enlarged text box to edit the text to be encrypted.
Integrity Check
Check if you wish to add an integrity check to the encrypted output.
See Choosing Integrity Check for Encryption for more information on the Integrity Check option.
Ascii Armored
Check if you to have the encrypted output formatted as text instead of binary.
See Choosing Binary or Ascii Armored Output for more information on the Ascii Armored option.
Encrypted Output
If encrypting a file:
This field will contain the path to the file that will contain the encrypted data.
Click the Output Button to use File Open Dialog to specify the location for the encrypted file.
If encrypting a string:
This field will contain the encrypted text. It will be filled after you click the Encrypt button.
Click the Output Button to open an enlarged text box to view the encrypted output.
New Button
Clears and reinitializes all the fields on the Encryption Definition Form.
Load Button
Prompts you to retrieve a file containing a saved encryption definition. The data in the definition file will be used to populate the Encryption Definition Form.
Save Button
Saves the contents of the current Encryption Definition Form to a file so that the encryption definition can be reused at a later time.
Encrypt Button
Click this button to run the encryption process.
Status of the encryption process will be displayed in the Encryption Status Message Area at the bottom of the Encryption Definition Form.