Decryption Definition Form


Decrypt File or String

Specify whether encrypted data was stored in a file or is a string value you will input.

Decrypt Using AES or TDES or DES

Specify the encryption algorithm that was used to encrypt the data to be decrypted.

See Encryption Algorithms for an extended description of the encryption algorithms implemented by this application.


Specify the encryption key that was used to encrypt the data to be decrypted.

See Encryption Definition Form for more information on specifying keys.


Specify the Initialization Vector that was used in the encryption.

See Encryption Definition Form for more information on specifying IVs.

Decrypt Button

Press this button to start the decryption process.

Load Key/IV from File

Press this button to retrieve a Key/IV and Algorithm combination that was previously stored to an external file.

Save Key/IV to File

Saves the current Key, IV and Algorithm settings to an external file.

CAUTION: Make sure this file is stored to a secure location. Anyone who can open and read this file will be able to decrypt files or strings encrypted with the save Key/IV values.

Copy Key/IV from Above

Copies the Key, IV, Encryption Algorithm and Encrypted Output values from Encryption Definition Form and stores their values in the corresponding fields on the Decryption Definition Form.

NOTE: This is useful when verifying that the encrypted data can be decrypted.

Encrypted Source

If decrypt operation is for a file, then this will be the path to the file to decrypt.

If decrypt operation is for a string, then this will be the string to decrypt.

Binary Encryption

If this option is checked, then the encrypted input will be in binary (non-text) values.

If this option is unchecked, then the encrypted input will be in Base64 text format.

Source Button

If decrypt operation is for a file, then this will be a File Open Dialog that will allow you to select the file to decrypt.

If decrypt operation is for a string, then this will be a large popup text box that will allow you to input the text to be decrypted. Use this when there is a large amount of text to type.

Decrypted Output to File or String

Specify whether decrypted data is to be stored in a file or in a string value.

Output Button

If decrypt operation output is going to a file, then this will be a File Save Dialog that will allow you to specify the folder and file name for the decrypted output.

If decrypt operation output is going to a string, then this will be a large popup text box that will allow you to view the decrypted output.

Decrypted Output

If decrypt operation output is going to a file, then this field will contain the path to the encrypted file.

If decrypt operation output is going to a string, then this field will contain the decrypted output. WARNING: Try to avoid decrypting very large files (hundreds of megabytes for more) into a string as output. This may cause the application to fail with an Out of Memory exception.

New Button

Clears all values currently displayed on the Decryption Definition Form.

Use this button when you are going to define a completely new decryption definition.

Load Button

Loads a file containing a previously saved decryption definition to the Decryption Definition Form.

Use this when you are going to reuse a previously defined decryption definition.

Save Button

Saves the values of the current Decryption Definition Form to a file.

Use this when you plan to reuse the decryption definition at a later date.