MS Access Destination
MS Access Destination
Output Access Database File Path
Specify the folder and file name for the Access database file which will receive and store the extracted data.
File Save As Dialog Button
Click this button to use the Windows File Save As dialog to specify the full path to the destination Access database file.
Overwrite Access File if it Already Exists
Set this option to true (checked) to have the extract process overwrite the destination file if it already exists.
If set to false (unchecked) and the file already exists, the extractor process will terminate with an error message.
Access Version
2007 (accdb format)
2003 (mdb format)
Use these options to specify whether the data is to be output to an ACCDB or MDB formatted Access database file.
Specify the username for the database file, if one is required.
Specify the password for the username, if one is required.
Output Table Name
Type the name to give the table that will be created by the extractor process.
Overwrite Table if it Already Exists
Set this option to true (checked) to overwrite the output data table if it already exists.