Creating Custom Random Values
Creating Custom Random Values
In this tutorial, you will step through the basic steps for producing and exporting custom random values list.
See Custom Random Values for information about the random names and location data mask form.
- Set the following values:
- Data Mask Name = LastNamesThatStartWithM
- Database Type = SQLServerCE35
- Select type from drop-down list. (Database Type Lists)
- Connection String = data source='C:\Users\Mike\Documents\PFApps\DesktopDatabases\SampleOrderDataCE35.sdf';
- Click the Show Connection String Manager button
to show the form for defining a connection string
- You should see the Data Source equal to something like the following:
- C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\pfApps\pfDataViewer\SampleData\SampleOrderDataCE35.sdf
- .If you do not see the above, use the
File Open button to search for the folder containing the SampleOrderDataCE35.sdf file.
- Click the Build button.
- Connection String value should now be:
- data source='C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\pfApps\pfDataViewer\SampleData\SampleOrderDataCE35.sdf';
- Click the Verify button.
- You should see a popup message that reads:
- Connection Successful!
- Click the Accept button.
- You will be returned to the Define Random Custom Values Data Mask form..
- Connection String value will now be filled in with the text produced by the Connection String Manager.
- Leave the following two values blank:
- TableIncludeSearchPattern
- TableExcludeSearchPattern
- Click the Connect to Database button.
- You will now see a new set of form values displayed at the bottom of the form.
- These values will allow you to define the output and selection criteria for your new customer values data mask.
- Set the following values using the drop-down list boxes:
- Table Name = Customers
- Data Field = Last Name
- Include When
- Comparison Field = LastName
- Condition = Like
- Criteria = M%
- Type the Criteria directly into the text box.
- NOTE: You can also type M*.
- NOTE: % and * are wildcard characters.
- Type the Minimum Value Frequency and Max Output Rows values directly into the text box.
- Minimum Value Frequency = 1
- Max Output Rows = 3000
- Click the Save button.
- You should see a popup message saying the save was successful.
- Click the Preview button.
- You will see a data output grid form showing each distinct value that met your criteria, along with the actual and adjusted frequencies with which the value occurs.
- AdjustedFrequency will only differ from Frequency in cases where the number of rows in the result set is larger than the value in the Max Output Rows field.
- See Data Output Grid Overview for more information on working with the data output grid.
- Click Exit.
- You will now see a grid that has one row for each occurrence of the selected custom values.
- These values will be what are used to generate random custom values for queries and extracts.
- See Randomizer Column Mapper Form for more information on mapping random values to data table columns.
- Click Exit.
- You will be returned to the Define Random Custom Values Data Mask form.
- Click the Create Custom List button located at the middle bottom of the form.
- You will see a popup message listing the creation of four files.
- The custom value file that you can use for random value mapping will be stored in
- DataMaskName.xml
- The following support files for use in troubleshooting will be generated:
- DataMaskName.clistdef
- A XML formatted file containing the criteria used to generate the list.
- DataMaskName.clistsum
- A XML formatted file containing the summary counts for each value in the list.
- You can use this to quick view how many times each value was generated.
- DataMaskName.sql
- A text file containing the SQL statement used to generate the list.
- Use this to make sure your data was retrieved in an expected way.
- Output files will usually be stored in the following folder:
- C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\PFApps\Randomizer\Data\CustomValues
- Click OK button to close popup message.
- Click Exit button to close Define Random Custom Values Data Mask form.
- Click Exit button to close the RandomDataFormsManager form.