Define Book to Generate

Insert blank line between paragraphs

Check this option to insert a blank line after each paragraph. If left unchecked, there will be no blank line between each paragraph.

Min Num Sentences

Minimum number of sentences to generate for each paragraph.

Max Num Sentences

Maximum number of sentences to generate for each paragraph.

Number of sentences per paragraph will vary randomly.

Min Num Paragraphs

Minimum number of paragraphs to generate for each chapter.

Max Num Paragraphs

Maximum number of paragraphs to generate for each chapter.

Number of paragraphs for each chapter will vary randomly.

Num Chapters

Specify number of chapters to be generated for the book.

Book Title

Specify the title for this random book.

Chapter Headings

Specify chapter headings, one to each line in the input box. First heading applies to first chapter, second heading to second chapter, … etc.

If you leave a Chapter Headings line blank then the application will auto generate a heading in the following format: Chapter n where n is the chapter number.

Output From Above Definition

For more information on generating a random book see Generate Random Book tutorial.