GenerateBook Web Method
Method Name
Web method that generates random text in the form of a book.
See Resources for examples of applications that access this web method.
Type: String
Specified the type of document to generate.
Valid Values:
Text that specifies title of the generated book.
Type: Integer
Specifies the number of random chapters to generate.
Valid Values:
Integer greater than zero (0).
Type: String
Specifies headings for each chapter. Place each chapter heading on a separate line. If there are fewer chapter headings than numChapters value then default chapter headings will be generated for chapters greater than numChapters.
Valid Values:
Text that specifies title of the generated chapter.
Type: Integer
Minimum number of paragraphs to generate for each chapter.
Valid Values:
Integer greater than zero (0).
Type: Integer
Minimum number of paragraphs to generate for each chapter.
Valid Values:
Integer greater than or equal to minNumParagraphsPerChapter.
Type: Integer
Minimum number of sentences to generate for each paragraph.
Valid Values:
Integer greater than zero (0).
Type: Integer
Maximum number of sentences to generate for each paragraph.
Valid Values:
Integer greater than or equal to minNumSentencesPerParagraph.
Type: Boolean
If true, a blank line will be inserted after each paragraph. If false, generated paragraphs are not separated by a blank line. Blank line improves readability of output..
Valid Values:
True or False.
Type: Boolean
If true, form feed character will be inserted at end of each chapter except for the last chapter.
Valid Values:
True or False.
Return Value
Type: String
String containing random text formatted as a book.
CAUTION: &insertNewPageBetweenChapters will throw an exception if browser cannot handle the \x0A new page (form feed) character.
//Test endpoint address for ServiceReference1:
TestWebServiceApp.ServiceReference1.TextGeneratorSoapClient serviceClient = new ServiceReference1.TextGeneratorSoapClient();
public string GenerateDocument(int minNumParagraphs, int maxNumParagraphs,
int minNumSentencesPerParagraph, int maxNumSentencesPerParagraph,
string documentType, string documentSubject,
bool specifyDateFromTo, bool insertBlankLineBetweenParagraphs)
string result = string.Empty;
result = txtProc.GenerateDocument(minNumParagraphs, maxNumParagraphs,
minNumSentencesPerParagraph, maxNumSentencesPerParagraph,
documentType, documentSubject,
specifyDateFromTo, insertBlankLineBetweenParagraphs);
return result;