Web form to generate random text in book format:


Form Elements:

Generate Random Text Output

Click this button to launch the generation of a list words.

Specify type of random text to generate

Select Book from the drop-down list.

Min Num Sentences

Number must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.

Specifies the minimum number of sentences to generate for each paragraph.

Max Num Senteces

Specify maximum number of sentences to generate for each paragraph.

Number must be an integer greater than or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to Min Num Sentences value.

Insert blank line between paragraphs

Check this option if you want to insert a blank line between each generated paragraph.

Blank line may increase readability of the output..

Min Num Paragraphs

Number must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.

Specifies the minimum number of paragraphs to generate.

Max Num Senteces

Number must be an integer greater than or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to Min Num Paragraphs value.

Specifies maximum number of paragraphs to generate.

Num Chapters

Number must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.

Specifies the number of chapters to generate.  

Book Title

Specify the title you wish to see for the generated book.

Chapter Headings

Type each heading on a separate line.

If you specify fewer chapter headings than the number of chapters, then all chapters greater than Num Chapters will have a default heading generated. Default headings will be in the form of Chapter N where N is the chapter number.

If you specify more chapter headings than there are chapters, then the extra chapter headings will be ignored.

Insert form feed between chapters

Check this option if you want to start each chapter on a new page.

Output Log Area

See Output Log Functions for detailed information on this area of the form.

URL to Example Book Web Page


NOTE: For best result, copy above URL and paste it directly to address line of your browser.