Congratulations on selecting pfRandomNamesGenerator by ProFast Computing. This application provides easy to use interface for creating and saving lists of random person and business names.
pfRandomNamesGenerator is ideal for generating random data for test, training and development databases.
- Randomize selected fields with realistic looking data.
- Random person names or business names or a combination of both.
- Random city names, state/province names, street names, zip/postal codes.
- Include random demographic values in output:
- Gender (M or F)
- Birth Dates (Age groups to generate can be specified.)
- National Id.
- Telephone Number.
- Email Address.
- Restrict name and address random values by
- Country
- Region
- State
- City
- metropolitan area.
- Supports restricting names to following countries:
United States, Canada, Mexico. - Easy to use data export to the following external data formats:
- Excel File (.XLSX and XLS formats).
- Text File (Delimited and Fixed Width).
- Access File (.ACCDB and .MDB formats).
- Relational Database Table via .NET providers.
- Microsoft SQL Server
- SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 & 4.0.
- Oracle, MySQL, DB2, Informix.
- Sybase, SQLAnywhere, SQLAnywhere UltraLite
- Relational Databases using ODBC drivers.
- via .NET System.Data.Odbc.
- External Data Stores using OLEDB providers.
- via .NET System.Data.OleDb.
- XML File (XSD schema included in output).
- Using .NET DataTable WriteXml capabilities.
- Word File (.DOCX, .DOC, .RTF formats)
- PDF File.