Change Application Settings
Change an Application Setting
- Click Tools/Options/Application Settings menu item.
- Make any changes to the Setting Value column.
- To Save changes:
- Click Apply to save changes and remain in the options form.
- or
- Click OK to save changes and return to main form.
- To Cancel changes that have not yet been saved:
- Click Cancel button.
- To back out changes made since last save:
- Click Reset button.
- To restore the original installation settings:
- Click Tools/Options/Settings/Restore.
- CAUTION: This will overwrite any settings changes you have made since the application was installed.
- To print the settings:
- Click Tools/Options/Settings/Print Preview or Tools/Options/Settings/Print.
- Click Tools/Options/Settings/Page Setup to adjust the format of the output
Valid Values for Application Settings
App Setting |
Description/Notes |
Valid Values |
SaveErrorMessagesToErrorLog |
Determines whether or not error messages are save to special app error log.
True False |
ApplicationLogFileName |
Name of the file to which application error messages will be written.
File name plus extension. |
ApplicationName |
Name of application. This will affect some of the display areas of the application. |
Should generally be pfPgpEncryptor unless tech support directs you to make a change.
HelpFileName |
Only change this value if help file is not in same folder as executable.
File name plus extension. |
AppConfigManager Path |
Path to the appConfigManager program. (Default is to leave this value blank. pfPgpEncryptor assumes the appConfigManager is in the same folder as pfPgpEncryptor executable.) |
Generally, you should leave this value blank. Only supply a valid Windows file path if the appConfigManager app has been moved.
keyStoreManagerPath |
Folder where keystore files are located. Leave blank to accept a default path which will be in your MyDocuments folder path. Enter a path if you wish to save key store files to another folder. |
Valid Windows file path |
DefaultEncryptionDefinitionsFolder |
Folder where files containing Encryption Definition values will be saved. Leave blank to accept a default path which will be in your MyDocuments folder path. Enter a path if you wish to save Encryption Definition files to another folder. |
Valid Windows file path |
DefaultDecryptionDefinitionsFolder |
Folder where files containing Decryption Definition values will be saved. Leave blank to accept a default path which will be in your MyDocuments folder path. Enter a path if you wish to save Decryption Definition files to another folder. |
Valid Windows file path |
Folder where key files used for encryption are stored. Leave blank to accept a default path which will be in your MyDocuments folder path. Enter a path if you wish to store encryption key files to another folder. |
Valid Windows file path
Folder where key files used for decryption are stored. Leave blank to accept a default path which will be in your MyDocuments folder path. Enter a path if you wish to save Decryption Definition files to another folder. |
Valid Windows file path
Default is CAST5.
For more information on cypher alternatives, see a Comparison of Cypher Methods . |
Must be blank or one of the following values: CAST5, DES, TRIPLE_DES, AES_128, AES_192, AES_256, BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, SAFER, IDEA.
Default is SHA1. For more information on hash alternatives, see a Comparison of Hash Methods . |
Must be blank or one of the following values: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224, MD5, MD2, RIPEMD160
Default is ZIP. For more information on compression alternatives, see Comparison of Compression Methods. |
Must be blank or one of the following values: ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2, UNCOMPRESSED |
Default is true. |
True or False |
Default See Choosing Integrity Check for Encryption for more information. |
True or False |