Export Statistics Data To External File



  • Click File/Export.
  • Click submenu item with format you want.
  • Available formats:
    • Excel (XLS and XLSX formats available)
      • WARNING: You must have Excel 2007 or later installed on your machine for export to and Excel spreadsheet file to work.
    • CSV (Comma Separated Values) text file
    • Text file with custom delimiters
    • MS Access database (MDB and ACCDB formats available)
      • WARNING: You must have Access 2007 or later installed on your machine for export to an Access database file to work.
    • XML File
      • CAUTION: If you are saving the statistics for later reload into the pfFolderSize application, use the File/Save menu function instead of the export to XML option. The export processing stores the data in a format that cannot be reread by pfFolderSize. The export to XML function would be used, for example, to send the settings data to another application.
  • You will be prompted to specify the output file name via a File Save Dialog.
  • For the Delimited Text File format, you will also be prompted to specify a column separator and a line terminator. You will also be asked whether or not to include the column names at the beginning of the output.
