Delete A File


Select a folder or file name in the Detailed Folder Statistics Grid or select a folder name in the Directory Tree for Folder pane on left of main form.


To delete the selected item, use one of the methods described next:

Method 1:

Click the Delete Current Folder button located directly above and on the right side of the current folder display line.

Method 2:

Click the Delete Current Folder toolbar item located at top of the main form.

Method 3:

Click the File/Delete menu item for the main form.

Method 4:

Right-click the selected item in the Detailed Folder Statistics Grid and then click the Delete submenu item that pops up.

Method 5:

Right-click the selected folder in the Directory Tree for Folder pane and then click the Delete submenu item that pops up.



NOTE: All of the above delete methods will prompt you to verify that you wish to delete the selected item. You will be given the option to proceed with the delete or to cancel the delete request.