Random Bytes




Data Type

Byte (8 bit ASCII + ASCII Extended)

Select this option to generate random 8-bit byte values.

Char (16-bit Unicode)

Option to generate random 16-bit char value.


Output Array of Values

Select this option to generate arrays of random byte or char values.

Minimum Number of Array Items

Maximum Number of Array Items

These two fields allow you specify size of arrays that are generated.

Output Single Value

Select this option to output single byte or single char each time a random value is generated.


Example 1:

Byte (8 bit ASCII + ASCII Extended)

Output Array of Values is selected.

Minimum Number of Array Items = 3

Maximum Number of Array Items = 5

Output will look something like this:



Example 2:

Char (16-bit Unicode) is selected.

Output Array of Values is selected.

Minimum Number of Array Items = 3

Maximum Number of Array Items = 5

Output will look something like this:
